Page Properties |
Definition/Usage | Academic Subplan is Sub Plan is a student enrollment in an area of concentration, track or specialization the student is enrolled in. Academic Subplans vary by academic plan and not all academic plans have subplansassociated with their academic plan. |
Values | ALG&THRY - Algorithms and Theory (Computer Science academic plan) THERFS_PHD - Thermal Fluid Sciences (Mechanical Engineering PhD academic plan) ANIMAT2D - Motion Design and Animation (Digital Media and Design academic plan) A full list of all values available for Academic SubPlan Sub Plan can be found in ACAD_SUBPLN_TBL.
Example | BUSDATSCI - Business Data Science (Academic Plan = BUSNAPM_MS) |
Notes | The student’s academic plan code and academic subplan code are key fields in finding the subplan description. You cannot use the subplan code alone to find the correct subplan descriptionAcademic sub plans are tied to specific academic plans. Not all academic plans have subplanssub plans.
Synonyms/References | [provide any synonyms or useful references] | Concentration Specialization
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.