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Page Properties

System Report Field Name



First Generation students come from a family where neither parent nor guardian has a four-year degree or higher from a college or university.


Attribute Attribute Value (Term)

FGEN 1198

FGEN 1238


A student whose first year at the University is Fall 2019 who comes from a family where neither parent has a four-year degree or higher.

Attribute: FGEN;

Attribute Value: 1198 (Fall 2019)


  • First generation students are identified in Student Administration using student attributes. The attribute is FGEN and has an associated termusing the FGEN attribute and its attribute value is the associated term they entered the University.

  • The combination of the attribute and value helps to define students in cohorts.


  • First Gen, FGEN

Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.
