The EncyrptionService class requires one important dependency not available from the Oracle Java libraries. This is the Base64 class from the Apache commons codec library. Therefore this class must be loaded into the Oracle schema in order for the EncryptionService to funtion.
apache commons
loading java objects
to verify java objects are valid
encrypted fieldsfunction.
Commons Codec library
The commons codec library must be loaded in to Oracle. Since this library exists on the application servers, it is best to use the Oracle client loadjava tool from the application server.
loadjava -user <connection_string> -r -v /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/kfs-upg/WEB-INF/lib/commons-codec-1.6.jar
To drop an existing EncryptionService object
echo "drop java source EncryptionService;" | sqlplus <connection_string>
To load the Encryption class
loadjava -user <connection_string> -r -v EncryptionService.java
To verify java objects are valid
Expand the Java icon in SQLDeveloper. Click on a java object and check the status. If the status is valid, it means the object is loaded and compiled and ok to be used. If it is invalid it means that the object was imported from another external source and not available to be referenced.