A requisition can be created manually using the Main Menu tab, Transactions, Purchasing/Accounts Payable, Requisition or via SciQuest (Main Menu tab, Transactions, Purchasing/Accounts Payable, Shops Catalogs).
When creating a requistion manually there are some required fields.
1) On the Dcoument Overview Tab, Enter Description
2) On the Delivery Tab, Enter building (select from available buildings), Room, and Receiving Address.
3) On the Vendor Tab, choose a vendor, and fill in contract name for that vendor.
4) On the items tab enter Quantity, UOM, Catalog #, Commodity Code, Description and Unit Cost. Press the Action+Add button. Then proceed to add the accounting lines. Press the show button and enter Chart, Account Number, Object code, and Percent. Chart is usually 'UC', and percent is usually 100.00.
5) Press calculate button, followed by submit button.
When creating a requisition using SciQuest:
1) Choose your items from the SciQuest vendor site
2) Press the Return to KFS button on the upper right hand corner. This will return you to the requisition screen.
3) Fill in any missing information, like building, room and receiving address. Also fill in commodity code and account information.
4) On the Dcoument Overview Tab, Enter Description
5) On the Delivery Tab, Enter building (select from available buildings), Room, and Receiving Address.
6) Add the accounting lines to each item. Press the show button and enter Chart, Account Number, Object code, and Percent. Chart is usually 'UC', and percent is usually 100.00. This can also be done, for multiple lines using the setup distribution button.
8) Press calculate button, followed by submit button.
The requistion is created and sent to the Fiscal Officer(s) action list for approval.
Create Purchase Order (PO):
The requisition will become a PO, after Fiscal Officer approval, if it is an Automatice Purchase Order (APO). A purchase order is automatic if the total amount of the purchase order is less than the APO limit for that vendor. For most SciQuest vendors the limit is $5,000.00.
If the purchase order is not an APO, further approvals will be required before becoming a purchase order including a contract manager assignment.
If any of the accounting lines are for capital assets, then an Asset Manager Approval may be required.
Create Payment Request (Preq):
To create a Payment Request, you will need the PO number and amount off the purchase order.
1) Main Menu, Transactions, Purchasing/Accounts Payable, Payment Request.
2) Enter the Purchase Order #, Invoice Number
Requisition to Payment Request Process:
Create Requisition (Reqs):
A requisition can be created manually using the Main Menu tab, Transactions, Purchasing/Accounts Payable, Requisition or via SciQuest (Main Menu tab, Transactions, Purchasing/Accounts Payable, Shops Catalogs).
When creating a requistion manually there are some required fields.
The requistion is created and sent to the Fiscal Officer(s) action list for approval.
Create Purchase Order (PO):
The requisition will become a PO, after Fiscal Officer approval, if it is an Automatice Purchase Order (APO). A purchase order is automatic if the total amount of the purchase order is less than the APO limit for that vendor. For most SciQuest vendors the limit is $5,000.00.
If any of the accounting lines are for capital assets, then an Asset Manager Approval may be required.
Create Payment Request (Preq):
To create a Payment Request, you will need the PO number and amount of the purchase order.