Using LDAP select all NetIDs and their mapped attributes listed below where the NetID has either the attribute eduPersonAffiliation=member and/or eduPersonAffiliation=affiliate. Affiliation Type is used to determine who is considered Full Time Employees. Applicant students, both undergrad and graduate are inactive, they are filtered out.
By default we want Full Time Employees to be Active in the system (<Record> tag active property = true). Students and Affiliates should be Inactive by default but included in the feed so their ID’s are generated but disabled. If a student or affiliate has an active KFS Role or Group then their active flag should be sent with a value of “true” instead.
Affiliation Type is used to determine who is considered Full Time Employees.
SQL to determine users in Roles or Groups
Tag | LDAP Attribute | Notes |
<Record entityID> | uid | NetID (lowercase) |
<Record principalID> | uid | NetID (lowercase) |
<Record principalName> | uid | NetID (lowercase) |
<Record active> | n/a | Default = “true” If uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation = Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student, or Affiliate set to “false” unless they have an active role or group in KFS. Full Time Employees are always “true” |
<addressTypeCode> | n/a | Always “WRK” |
<addressLine1> | postalAddress | If postalAddress empty look for registeredAddress |
<addressLine2> | registeredAddress |
<city> | location |
<stateOrProvince> | state |
<postalCode> | postalCode |
<country> |
| Always “US” |
<affiliationType> | uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation | Professional Staff = STAFF Special Payroll = STAFF Graduate Student = STDNT Univ Affiliated Employee = AFLT |
<campus> | l | Storrs = 01 Waterbury = 05 Avery Point = 06 Health Center = 07 Extension Services = 08 |
<employeeStatus> |
| Always “A” |
<employeeType> |
| Default = “P” If uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation = Undergraduate Student or Graduate Student set to “N” |
<baseSalaryAmount> |
| Always “0.0” |
<primaryDepartment> | department | Preceded by UC- (example UC-1515) |
<employeeID> | employeeNumber | Last 6 characters (ex. 037796 for btp98001) |
<emailAddress> |
| |
<firstName> | givenName |
<middleName> | Initials | If Null value should be an empty tag |
<lastName> | sn |
<phoneNumber> | publishedTelephoneNumber | If Null leave tag out. Format XXX-XXX-XXXX |