The date any transaction is entered into the student record.
The Action Date is when the information was entered into the system, while the Effective Date is when the action actually takes effect.
Consider today’s date to be 2/2/2023. In the example below, this student’s status “today” is DC (Discontinued). This student will not be active until 5/8/2023, the effective date of the record, even though its Action Date is 3/31/2023.
Next, consider today’s date to be 4/1/2023. The last row in the example below, is known as future effective-dated. This action, entered on 3/31/2023, will take effect on 5/8/2023.
CareerEff DateAcad ProgStatusProg ActnAction Date UGRD 12/7/2015 UACES AP APPL 12/7/2015 UGRD 2/20/2016 UACES AD ADMT 2/20/2016 UGRD 3/16/2016 UACES PM DEIN 3/16/2016 UGRD 5/12/2016 UACES AC MATR 5/12/2016 UGRD 8/26/2018 UACES DC VDIS 9/11/2018 UGRD 4/12/2022 UACES AC RADM 4/12/2022 UGRD 5/8/2022 UCLAS AC PRGC 4/29/2022 UGRD 1/16/2023 UCLAS DC VDIS 1/31/2023 UGRD 5/8/2023 UCLAS AC RADM 3/31/2023
Changes to the student record can be future effective-dated.
Most Registrar reports are based on the current date and do not include transactions with future effective dates.
Effective Date, Academic Program Status
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.