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  1. ACCESSING AND LAUNCHING SPEND ANALYTICS: After logging in to HuskyBuy, navigate to the Reporting section and click View Reporting and Analysis. This will allow you to access the Production instance of Spend Analytics. Once Spend Analytics is launched, the end-user can explore a variety of high-level entry dashboards that look at the University spend across various commodities. This information by default is a snapshot of the data from FY18 through the approximately 1 month from the time of entry into the system. (Spend Analytics is updated monthly in arrears). The end user may also choose to run a new query or build a new dashboard by accessing the data panel on the main screen under the bottom on the top right labeled “Explore” and by clicking data. This will bring the end-user to a blank area where they may drag and drop any data fields from the various datasets available to spend radar to create custom looks and dashboards.

  2. ACCESSING CUSTOM REPORTS (“L:ooks”“Looks”): Custom-built “Looks” will appear under one of two menus in the top right corner of the screen labeled “Group” or “Personal”.

    1. Clicking into “Group” will allow the end-user to view a list of created Looks visible to all users. These Looks may be made and edited by anyone. Looks created by Super-users for the Category Managers and other users will appear here first.

    2. “Personal” will allow the end-user to access Looks that only they can view and edit.
      “Group” Looks can be saved into “Personal” for further customization by a specific end-user. Please note that once a Look is saved as “Personal” it will not be visible to others until it is re-saved in Group


  4. USING FILTERS: Filters are a critical component to leverage Spend Analytics to its fullest potential. Filters allow data fields that are in the table to be targeted or reduced to specific parameters given a specified range or field value. In most cases, you may discuss appropriate filter options with the Super-users prior to building out the Look or Dashboard. While using Spend Analytics, those filter options can be used by toggling drop down options to set values such as transaction date range or search for a specific supplier, for example. Data fields to the left can be highlighted with the filter button to the right pressed to add the filter to the Look so it may be used with the Look. Toggling the filters on and off is a more advanced feature. Looks built by Super-users for your purposes will contain all fields you would commonly want to filter on . Once appropriate filters have been applied, data fields set, and values are entered into filters, the run button must be clicked to refresh the data in the table. The purple run button will turn red and change to “stop” while the table is updated with the relevant query results.

  5. READING AND INTERPRETING DATA: The left-hand side of the screen lists all of the data fields that can be placed into the Look as filters or fields within the table. Hovering over the “i” icon on the right-hand side of many of these fields will explain their function. Note that the Spend Analytics data set contains export fields from P-card (PCDO), Disbursement Voucher (DV), Purchase Order Invoices (PREQ), and Credit Memo (CM). UConn Health Data is also included by default for invoices and may be tagged as a data field or filtered out. Relevant Spend fields include Total Spend (spend from all sources), invoice spend (spend from any DV or PREQ sources), and p-card spend. These can be found under the drop-down, Data, measures, and can be added to the table by clicking on them.

  6. EXPORTING LOOKS: Data from a Look can be easily exported by clicking the cog icon on the upper right hand of the screen and navigating to download in the drop down menu. The data can be exported in a variety of formats. Recommended settings for a data dump that can be used in a pivot table are as follows: 1) Excel spreadsheet 2) As displayed in data table 3) unformatted 4) all results. Clicking the purple download button on the lower right of the table will allow you to save to a specific file location on your computer
