Page Properties |
Report Field Name | STDNT_CAR_TERM.CUM_GPA |
Definition/Usage | The displayed cumulative GPA represents the overall GPA earned by the student up to the given term. However, ongoing classes for the current term are not factored into the Cumulative GPA field for the current term student record. |
Values | |
Example | Student #123456 by term: Term Cumulative_GPA 1208 3.500 1211 3.500 1213 3.581 1215 3.581 1218 3.425 1221 3.425 1223 3.325 1225 3.325 1228 3.324 1231 3.324 1233 3.290 1235 3.290 1238 3.203 1241 3.203 1243 3.123 |
Notes | A student’s Cumulative GPA in any given term is recalculated when grades or transfer credits are posted or changed for the term. Cumulative GPA derived from STDNT_CAR_TERM fields:(SSR_TOT_EN_GRDPTS + SSR_TOT_TR_GRDPTS) / (SSR_TOT_EN_TKN_GPA + SSR_TOT_TR_TKNGPA) where, SSR_TOT_EN_GRDPTS = Cumulative sum of GRADE_POINTS SSR_TOT_TR_GRDPTS = Cumulative sum of TRF_GRADE_POINTS SSR_TOT_EN_TKN_GPA = Cumulative sum of UNT_TAKEN_GPA SSR_TOT_TR_TKNGPA = Cumulative sum of TRF_TAKEN_GPA
Synonyms/References | https://uconn.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AoBfUQY |
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.