Page Properties |
Definition/Usage | The Cumulative Total Units Earned Toward Academic Load represents the sum of credits a student has earned throughout their academic career, inclusive of the identified semester. This encompasses all credits earned in each semester leading up to the current one, reflecting the student's overall progress. |
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Example | Student #123456 by term: Term Cumulative Term Units Taken Cumulative Units Earned 1228 15 15 1231 15 15 1233 29 29 1235 33 33 1238 50 50 1241 50 50 1243 64 64 1245 64 64 1248 79 64 This student had earned 33 cumulative credits as of Summer 2023 (1235) and 50 cumulative credits as of Fall 2023. For instance, assuming it's Summer 2024 (1245), and the student intends to enroll in Fall 2024 (1248) classes, they currently have 64 cumulative credits earned. This total accounts for credits earned up to this point, as Fall 2024 classes are ongoing and not yet graded. |
Notes | This field is populated as students receive satisfactory grades for classes in the given term. This field is usually populated after the semester ends. As temporary grades are converted to permanent grades, this field can change.
Synonyms/References | https://uconn.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AoBfUQY |
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.