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HR finalized the policy for 100% remote and out of state hire requests, so if you have a department that wants to hire anyone (special payroll, regular payroll, existing employees) to be 100% remote and out of state this form needs to be filled out, signed by the Dean, and then sent back to HR (Vicky Meacham). HR will then request Provost approval.
Once the form is signed, specific language will need to be added to the offer letter and an addendum will be included.
As part of an ongoing review of the guidelines and process for seeking approval for 100% out-of-state remote work, we write today with an update to the existing processes. Effective with this communication, all requests for faculty and staff must be submitted through the new Request Form in Kuali Build. Human Resources will be responsible for the review and approval of requests and will use the attached guidelines and criteria which were developed in collaboration with university leadership. Requests for employees to be approved to work 100% of the time from a location outside the State of Connecticut will continue to require approval from the dean, director, or other appropriate management exempt designee of the requesting unit.