Drag the yellow handlebars at the start or endpoints with your mouse to set the range which will trim the video.
Move the Real-Time Marker Playhead (the blue box line on the timeline) to the point to where you want to make the edit. Drag either Timeline handlebar to snap it to the Real-Time Marker or click on the trim beginning or trim end to snap to that point.
Navigate to the position on the timeline where you need to cut the video.
Click on theĀ scissors icon.
You will now have two sections. Drag the timeline handlebar(s) to cut the desired section or use the Real-Time Marker to snap to the pointmove the Playhead line to the desired time and click the scissors icon to split the clip again. Click the section you wish to remove. Then click the trashcan icon to remove it.
Once you save the video, the system will join automatically stitch the two sections for youremaining sections together without any gap.
Fade In and Fade Out in Kaltura