Students can record several names, categorized by type, on their student record. A student can identify the name they wish to appear on their degree and the name they wish to be addressed as--their preferred or chosen name.
DEG - Degree
PRF - Preferred or Chosen
PRI - Primary
A full list of values available for name type can be found in NAME_TYPE_TBL.NAME_TYPE
Salvatore Stone records several name types in his student record. Salvatore lists his degree name (NAME_TYPE=DEG) as Salvatore Ashton Stone and his preferred name (NAME_TYPE=PRF) as Sal Stone.
A student can identify the name they wish to appear on their degree and the name they wish to be addressed as--their preferred or chosen name.
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.