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Page Properties

System Field Name



The student’s academic program status. Program status identifies a student’s status status as of an effective date in their academic program. The program status should be used with effective date.


A full list of all active values available for PROG_STATUS can be found in the PSXLATITEM lookup table.

AC - Active in Program

AD - Admitted

AP - Applicant

CM - Completed Program

CN - Cancelled

DC - Discontinued

DE - Deceased

DM - Dismissed

LA - Leave of Absence

PM - Prematriculant

SP - Suspended

WT - Waitlisted

A full list of all active values available for PROG_STATUS can be found in the PSXLATITEM lookup table.


Academic Program Status = DC; A student with a current status of DC has discontinued their program and is not eligible to enroll in classes.


  • A student’s academic program status is effective dated.

  • The Registrar’s Office maintains student records of students once they that have been through the admissions process and their record is becomes AC (Active).


  • [provide any synonyms or useful references]
