Versions Compared


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Code Block
module avail fluent

To load fluent version 2022R1:

Code Block
module load fluent/2022R1

Parallel Job

To run several tasks in parallel on one or more nodes, here is an example batch script for older versions of Fluent:


Code Block

Parallel Job for new fluent versions


Code Block
#SBATCH -N 2 # allocate 2 nodes for the job
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH --exclusive # no other jobs on the nodes while job is running
#SBATCH -o fluentP_%J.out # the file to write stdout for fluent job
#SBATCH -e fluentP_%J.err # the file to write stderr for fluent job

Code Block
module purge # allow for a clean module environment for the submission
module load gcc/11.3.0 zlib/1.2.12 java/1.8.0_162 mpi/openmpi/3.1.3 fluent/2019R3 # load the most current fluent module to be used along with other modules

Code Block
# run fluent in batch mode on the allocated node(s) using either one of the types of fluent solvers 2d,2ddp,3d, or 3ddp
# The -g option is used to run without GUI or graphics, The -slurm option is used to specify the scheduler, -t is used to specify the number of processors "cores" for the fluent model to use
# The -i option is used to specify the input file for fluent to execute, the file would need to be in the SAME directory where this submission script is located
# The standard error and output will be generated with the above format in the SBATCH headers.  The names for these files can change to the name of the specific project currently being worked 
# the fluent -h or fluent -help commands will list available options for fluent that can be used

Code Block
fluent 3ddp -g -slurm -t$SLURM_NTASKS -pdefault -i foo.txt

Make sure to replace foo.txt in the last line with the name of your job input file. Then, submit your job with:

Code Block

Interactive Job

Start the interactive session on 1 node with 12 CPUs with fisbatch:

Code Block
fisbatch -N 1 -n 12


The first parameter to fluent is the version (namely, 2ddp below). The version can be either 2d, 3d, 2ddp, or 3ddp; change it to whatever you need. The "dp" stands for "double precision".


Code Block
fluent 2ddp -g -t $SLURM_NTASKS

Type "exit" to end the session.


The command-line help usage actually provides very limited information:

Code Block
fluent -help

The only place Ansys supplies to read more documentation is from the "Help" inside the Fluent GUI. Open a terminal in X2Go, load the fluent module, and then run `fluent` from the command-line to launch the GUI. Click on the Help button > Help on Starting and Executing Fluent.