Versions Compared


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Code Block
module load schrodinger/2022-24

You can then see a list of executable programs:

Code Block
find /gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/schrodinger/2022-24/ -maxdepth 1 -executable -type f -printf "%f\n" | sort | pr -tT -8 | column -t
autots    diagnost  gfxinfo   jsc       material  phase_fq  qikprop   ska
biolumin  elements  glide     jws       mxmd      phase_hy  qiksim    ssp
blast     epik      HPC1.0Or  knime     oned_scr  phase_qs  qpld      sta
bmin      epikx     hppmap    licadmin  Original  phase_sc  qsite     structur
confgen   fep_abso  ifd       ligand_s  para_tes  pipeline  run       testapp
confgenx  fep_plus  ifd-md    ligprep   pfam      prime     schrodin  version.
consensu  fep_solu  impact    machid    phase_bu  prime_mm  shape_sc  vsw
constant  ffb_fep_  installa  macromod  phase_da  primex    shape_sc  watermap
covalent  ffbuilde  jaguar    maestro   phase_fi  qikfit    sitemap   wscore
desmond   generate  jobcontr



The options are:

EXE_NAME=Name Of Schrodinger EXE (maestro, desmond, etc)

TPP=# value (1, 2, 3, etc)

OPENMP=MPI command (mpirun, mpiexec, etc)

INPUT_FILE=Input File looking to be run


Code Block
run_qe maestro 2 mpirun