Determines a student’s citizenship status in a country. This data is collected at admissions and students can have multiple rows. Use a combination of the status field and country field.
StudentStatusStatus DescCountryCountry Description abc123 1 Native IND India
abc123 4 Alien Temporary USA United States
abd222 1 Native USA United States
acc321 2 Naturalized USA United States
[Code] - [Description] - [Group]
WHITE - White - 1
BLACK - Black/African American - 2
EUROPE - Europe -1
HISP - Hispanic - 3
MIDDEAST - Middle East - 1
ASIAN - Asian - 4
PHILIPP - Philippines - 4
UNKNOWN - Unknown - 6
A full list of all values available for [insert element] can be found [insert table or location].
To find a student’s citizenship status in the USA, use the student’s emplid to find USA in the CITIZENSHIP.COUNTRY field. The corresponding CITIZENSHIP.CITIZENSHIP_STATUS field saves their status.
To find all students whose Native country is Russia, list all students with a CITIZENSHIP_STATUS field = 1 (Native) and a COUNTRY field = RUS (Code for Russia). Lenora Barnes check if this an appropriate/suggested search topic for this page?
COUNTRY_TBL for full Country names/descriptions.
CITIZEN_STS_TBL for full status descriptions.
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.