Versions Compared


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HuskyCT course sites are automatically created for any course sections listed in StudentAdmin/PeopleSoft as Lecture or Discussion. All other course sections can be created at the instructor's request. A restore request itself does not result in the creation of a HuskyCT site. 


  1. Access the HuskyCT Course Request Form


Use the drop-down menus on the Restore Form to select Semester, Year, and Subject for the Old Course and the New Course. Enter the course number and section number in the fields provided.

  1. Under Request Type, select Course Restore

  2. Under Course Copy Options, choose any desired options

    • Announcements:

      • Check this box to restore announcements from the original course.

    • Old Starter Posts:

      • Check this box to copy over PRIMARY DISCUSSION POSTS (not replies to posts).

      • For example, if you open one of the discussion forums, this option will copy the top-level posts you see, or simply put, the initial threads in the forum, however, it will not copy anything below that level.

      • Generally, only check this option if instructors are creating the initial posts with students only making reply posts

    • Combine HuskyCT courses:

      • Checking this box will open a new field for a combined section request.

    • Not Original Instructor:

      • Check this box if you are not listed as the instructor of record for the old course. Checking this box will open a new field where you can put in the information of the old instructor, and an email will automatically be sent to them

    • UConn Health:

      • Checking this box will open a new field with UConn Health-specific options.

  3. Under Source Course Information, enter the Term, Year, Subject, Catalog Number and Section Number of the course that contains the content you want to copy from

  4. Under Target Course Information, enter the Term, Year, Subject, Catalog Number and Section Number of the course that you want to copy content to

  5. Click Submit or Request at the bottom of the page. The button will change depending on what type of request you are submitting.

  • Section combine requests need to be submitted even for officially cross-listed courses. (e.g., POLS 1111 & HRTS 1111)

  • To avoid complications, section combines should be requested before the start of the semester.
