Versions Compared


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  1. Begin your Meeting (Personal Room or scheduled session).

  2. You will see Breakout sessions in your bottom panel between Record and the More Options button (...).

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    1. If you do not see the button, click on Breakout in the top toolbar. Then click on Enable Breakout Session.

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  3. Click on Breakout sessions. A window will appear asking how you would like to split up your Participants (students). 

    1. You may have the Participants automatically sorted. This will randomly sort the participants equally among the sessions.

    2. You may manually sort the Participants.

    3. You may allow the Participants to move between the sessions without your help. You will still have the opportunity to manually sort them before beginning the sessions and you may lock certain sessions.

    4. Breakout Sessions can be pre-assigned to save you time during the Meeting. Learn how to Pre-assign Breakout Sessions

    5. Participants must have the Webex Desktop App installed on their computer to participate in the Let participants choose any session function. Therefore, those using the Web App (Linux users such as those using Chromebooks) will not be able to move themselves but can still be moved by the Host.

  4. The Breakout Sessions Manager will now appear. This window gives you an overview of the breakout sessions. 

  5. You may now rename the sessions. If you chose to Let participants choose any session, you may also lock certain sessions so that those participants will not be interrupted.

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  6. Note: The Host and Cohosts are not automatically assigned to a session. They may be assigned and then move from session to session during the breakout session portion of the Meeting.

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  7. Click on a Participant to change their session assignment, exchange them (swap them with another Participant), or to exclude them from the breakout sessions (move them back to the main session).

  8. Click on the Settings button in the bottom-left to open the settings. You cannot adjust these settings while the breakout sessions are running.

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    1. The first option allows Participants to leave their breakout session at any time and return to the main session.

    2. Enabling the second option will give the Participants a prompt when the breakout session begins. The Participant may choose to either join the breakout session or stay in the main session.

      1. You may want to uncheck this box to ensure that all Participants find themselves in their breakout session automatically.

    3. The countdown warning begins after you click End all breakout sessions. This timer gives participants a warning that the sessions are about to close and time to wrap up their conversations.
      If you enable this option, the countdown cannot be skipped if needed. All will wait for the countdown to expire.

    4. If you would like the breakout sessions to end automatically, you may set a countdown timer. When the time arrives, the Host will have a choice to continue with the countdown or cancel the countdown and allow the sessions to continue.

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  9. Click Start breakout sessions to begin the breakout sessions.

  10. You can send a broadcast message to all the breakout sessions at once or to a certain breakout session. 

  11. Note: Chat only works within individual sessions. Participants cannot Chat the Host if the Host is not in their session.


  1. To move between different sessions, click on the Breakout sessions button at the bottom to re-open the breakout session manager. You will see all the breakout sessions listed, each with a Join button.

  2. To return to the main session, click Leave on the session you are currently in.

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  3. You may also use the toolbar menu at the top to move from session to session.

  4. When you join a session, your audio will quickly disconnect and reconnect solely to the session that you have joined.
