Versions Compared


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  • Transactions originating from other systems, including Service Billers, may not be be able to accommodate additional coding.
  • Initiator and/or approving Fiscal Officer must remember to add the coding on the Accounting Line.
  • General Ledger Transfer (GLT) can be done to recode after completion but leads to multiple eDocs for the same transaction.


  • Specific to account and fiscal year.
  • Take on most attributes of Object Code they are listed under.
  • Sub-Object Code is alpha-numeric up to 3 characters.

Sub-Object Code Example

Suppose Athletics needs to track different types of medical services for student athletes. By coding each transaction to the Sub-Object Code, a report can easily be run to show the amount spent on each type of medical service.

  • Object Code:
    • Medical Services (6632)
  • Sub Object Codes:
    • Bone Scan (BNS)
    • Dental Injury (DEI)
    • Diagnostic Test (DST)
    • Lab Work (LAB)
    • Magnetic Recon Imaging (MRI)

Sub-Object Code Lookup

In the KFS Chart of Accounts Menu, select Activities, and then select Sub-Account. Here, you can enter an account number to search for it.

Under Sub-Account Lookup, enter the account number in the appropriate box. The results will appear at the bottom of the screen.Image Added