Faculty, staff, and students can schedule a time to access a Windows lab computer remotely. This service enables you to access software available only on Windows lab computers.
Reserving Time on a Lab Computer
- Navigate to the request form.
- Select the drop-down with the desired time block.
Image Removed
Image Added
- If you have successfully gotten a machine, you should see the following message display:
Image Removed
Image Added - You can then download the .rdp file to you your computer.
- If you are on Mac OSXOS X, install Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from using the App Store . Alternatively, you can click or clicking this link to immediately download Microsoft Remote.
- If you are on Android, install Microsoft Remote Desktop from this link.
- Wait until the listed time.
- Open the file.
- Login Log in with your NetID and password.
Available Software:
Column |
- 7-Zip
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- ArcGIS Pro
- Citrix Workspace App
- FileZilla
- Git
- Google Chrome
- IBM SPSS Amos 26
Column |
- IBM SPSS Statistics 26
- Logitech Presentations
- Mathematica
- MATLAB R2019b
- Minitab 19
- MirrorOp
- Mozilla Firefox
Notepadd - Notepad ++
- Office 2019 Professional
Column |
- RStudio
- Schrodinger
- Stata 16
- Tableau Desktop Public
- TightVNC
- Visual Studio Community
- VLC Media Player
Accessing Adobe Creative Cloud
Currently, the only available way to access Adobe Creative Cloud without purchasing a license is by using a lab machine. In order to use Adobe CC, ITS recommends creating an Adobe account at https://account.adobe.com/. You may use either your university University or personal account, as long as you remember the credentials. This will not be tied to your UConn accounts even if you use a UConn email.
Once you are remoted in to into the machine,
- Open adobe Adobe Creative Cloud from applications Applications.
- Login Log in with your Adobe account.
- Open an Adobe application.
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Filter by label (Content by label) |
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