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Instructors can change final grades in the Student Administration System.

Final Grade changes can be submitted after grades have been approved and posted, as provided in the University By-Laws:Image Removed
To change final grades,

Grades are part of the student's permanent record. Therefore they should never be changed for reasons unrelated to course requirements or quality of work. An instructor may neither accept additional work nor give additional examinations once the grade in the course has been submitted. Nevertheless, there can be situations in which course grades may and ought to be changed. These comprise computational errors, clerical errors, and the discovery of overlooked components in a student's body of work.

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner.
      navbar iconImage Modified
  2. Click the Navigator button from the menu. 
    navigator buttonImage Modified
  3. Click the Self Service tab. 
  4. Click the Faculty Center tab.
    Faculty TabImage Modified 
  5. Click the Grade Roster tab.   
    Grade Roster tab Image Modified
  6. Click the My Schedule tab to display the My Schedule view.
    my schedule viewImage Modified
  7. From the My Schedule view, click the Grade Roster icon next to the class you wish to change grades for.
    grade rosterImage Modified
  8. The Grade Roster for the selected class will display. To be able to change a final grade, the approval status must be be Approved and Posted.
    approval statusImage Modified
  9. Click the Request Grade Change button. The Grade Change Request page will display. You can edit the official grades on this page.
    request grade changeImage Modified
  10. If you do not have the Request Grade Change option available as an option, contact the Registrar's Office to request a manual grade change.  
  11. Click the Official Grade drop-down list of the grade you wish to change and select the new grade.
    Request Grade Change OptionImage Modified
  12. You must enter a Reason for each grade change. Click the dropdown arrow to access the list of choices. 
    Grade Change Request DropdownImage Modified
  13. A list displays.  Select a reason from the dropdown. 
    Reason dropdownImage Removed
  14. If the appropriate reason is not listedSelect the appropriate reason.
    Reason dropdownImage Added
  15. If you cannot find the reason you are looking for, select Other. When selecting Other, you You will be required to enter a comment explaining the reason. The reason and comment entered will be part of the email notification sent to all parties. You may change as many grades as necessary. However, however, if you are changing multiple grades, you should limit your changes to no more than ten at a time to avoid processing errors.
  16. When your changes are complete, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Submit. You must click Submit to process your changes. 
  17. When the grade change process was successfulis successfully completed,   Success will display next to the changed grade. If you receive an error message after clicking Submit, contact the Registrar's Office for assistance at (860) 486-3331.
  18. Repeat the steps above to change additional grades. 

Upon submission, an email is generated to all parties involved which includes: Instructor, Student, Department Head of subject [Subject], and the Dean's office. The email includes the original and changed grade, the reason for the change, and any comments entered.


You may change grades you have previously changed; however, you cannot solely change solely a Reason or Comment. If a reason or comment was entered in error, contact the Registrar's office for assistance at (860) 486-3331.

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