- Right-click on a field from the left Search fields navigation pane.
- Click Filter from the menu that displays.
- Notice a Create a filtering condition dialog box displays with the basic framework for a WHERE statement. The arithmetic operator is set to Equal to, by default.
- Modify this operator by double clicking Equal to.
- Then click the "Equal to" dropdown arrow to display the available options.
- Click to select an option from the list, as desired.
- To modify the type of filter in use, double-click the <Value> field.
- Then click the "Value" dropdown arrow to display a list of additional options.
From the Value dialog box, click the Type dropdown arrow to modify this selection as desired. Available options are listed and briefly defined below.
- Constant. Allows the entry of a literal value. This value can be a positive number, a negative number, or any character string.
- Parameter. Allows you to specify a parameter by entering a name and description in the provided text input areas, as well as selecting the type of parameter (Simple, Static, or Dynamic).
Field. Allows the specification of a field name to compare against.
For the purpose of this documentation we will use Constant as the Type selection.Note
Constant Filter Type
- The Constant selection from the Type dropdown, allows you to either:
- Type the value(s) in the Value field.
- Highlight the line item in the left Value pane.
- Then click the double chevron to add it to the list of available options.
- Repeat these steps for each value that should be added.
OR, - Retrieve all the available values from the database, by clicking the Get Values dropdown.
- Select an option from the dropdown.
- Then click the respective double chevron.
- Repeat these steps for each option that should be added from the Get Values dropdown.
- Once the values appear on the right, within the Multiple Values: pane, select a value and click the up/down arrows to reorder, or click the red X to delete a value from the right.
- Click OK to confirm and return to the WHERE statement view.
Dynamic Filter Type
- MM left off here - 5/19/21
- test
- test
Parameter Filter Type
- test
- test
- test
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