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  • All Webex recordings that are saved to the cloud will have an automatic transcript generated for them.
  • A Webex recording will only begin to process once the Meeting has concluded. Once the recording has finished processing and is viewable, then the transcript generation process begins. You should expect the transcript generation period be as long as twice the duration of the video. This means that if you have a 20 minute recording, you should expect to the transcript to finish generating 40 minutes after the recording is viewable online.

Viewing and Hiding the Transcript

Once the transcript is viewable, it will appear attached to your recording. If you would like to hide the transcript, keep reading this section.
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  1. If you would like to hide your transcript, click on the Pencil icon that sits after the recording's name.
  2. Uncheck the checkbox for Transcript.
  3. Save

Editing the Transcript

Users may edit the transcript on the same screen that they view it from. When viewing your transcript, simply hover your cursor over the text block that you would like to edit. Type in your edits, then click Save.

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